Hempstead Commerce & Civic Association Takes Root in Texas Town

The Hempstead Commerce & Civic Association (HCCA) is pleased to announce its official launch in Hempstead, Texas. A nonprofit headed by business- and civic-minded residents, the HCCA is dedicated to encouraging growth, supporting local business and increasing tourism efforts.
Hempstead’s proximity to cities such as Houston and Brenham, as well as major transportation hubs, provides opportunities for current and future businesses alike, said Kenneth Pilcher, director of economic development for the City of Hempstead.
“We want people to start thinking about the town’s potential, envisioning what they’d like to see and considering the impact they could have,” said Pilcher, who plans to open a coffee and wine bar in the coming months. “There is tremendous opportunity here, but it needs to be developed.”
HCCA President Cheryl Hardwick said the organization hopes to foster growth through partnerships with area businesses and universities, economic incentives, potential grants for business improvement projects and even local events that generate economic activity.
“Hempstead is a very community-minded place, and we enjoy getting the town together for seasonal festivals, parades and events honoring our veterans,” she explained. “Our events draw guests and vendors from all over, and we’d love to continue down that path.”
In its first step in that direction, the organization will continue the city’s traditional Hempstead Watermelon Festival. Now entering its 31st year, the festival celebrates Hempstead’s rich agricultural history and brings people together for food, live music — and even some seed spitting.
“Our town is known for its watermelons, and the festival is a big deal around here,” Hempstead Mayor Dave Shelburne said. “We look forward to finding ways to take something that already brings so much to our town, and taking it to the next level.”
Pilcher said he is proud of the community’s effort to come together and host such events, and encourages businesses and families to travel out to see the exciting things happening in Hempstead.
“Within two miles of our city limits in any direction you travel, you’ll see agriculture, livestock and farm life,” he said. “It’s one of the prettiest drives around. We want to invite people to set their roots down here to work, live and play.”
For more information about the HCCA, visit growhempstead.com or call 979.921.5095.
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